A Service-Oriented Architecture Adoption Maturity Matrix using Kano Model: Cross Evaluation between IT and Business Benefits


  • Mohd Hamdi Irwan Hamzah School of Computing, Universiti Utara Malaysia, 06010 Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia. Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400 Parit Raja, Johor, Malaysia
  • Fauziah Baharom School of Computing, Universiti Utara Malaysia, 06010 Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia
  • Haslina Mohd School of Computing, Universiti Utara Malaysia, 06010 Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia


Cross Evaluation Matrix, Kano Model, Service-Oriented Architecture and SOA Benefits,


The many promised benefits of SOA adoption have attracted numerous organizations to adopt SOA. These SOA adoption benefits have been identified by the previous researchers and can be distinguished into IT and business benefits. However, this study found that there is a lack of work that provide a method on how to construct the matrix for evaluating the SOA adoption focuses on both IT and business benefits. Therefore, this study aims to provide a method that can be used to construct a cross evaluation matrix focuses on SOA adoption IT and business benefits. This study first determines the IT and business benefits characteristics and sub-characteristics in order to provide the evaluation criteria for evaluating the SOA adoption. Then this study adapted Kano Model in order to construct the cross evaluation matrix between IT and business benefits. The findings implies that Kano Model is appropriate to be used as the underlying structure to construct the cross evaluation matrix in this study. Kano Model provides the approach on how to plot, organize and better represent the evaluation dimension for evaluating the SOA adoption.





How to Cite

Hamzah, M. H. I., Baharom, F., & Mohd, H. (2017). A Service-Oriented Architecture Adoption Maturity Matrix using Kano Model: Cross Evaluation between IT and Business Benefits. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC), 9(2-12), 105–112. Retrieved from https://jtec.utem.edu.my/jtec/article/view/2778

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