Automated Detecting Arcus Senilis, Symptom for Cholesterol Presence Using Iris Recognition Algorithm


  • R.A Ramlee
  • K.A Aziz
  • S. Ranjit
  • Mazran Esro


Iris Recognition, biometric identification, iridology, Arcus Senilis, Corneal Arcus, cardio diseases


Arcus senilis is a whitish ring-shaped or bowshaped deposit in the cornea. It is recognized as a sign of hyperlipidemia and is also associated to coronary heart disease (CHD). Iridology is an alternative method to detect diseases using iris’s pattern observation. Iridologists believe that the whitish deposit on the iris is sign of heart diseases. We develop the simple and non-intrusive automation system to detect cholesterol presence using iris recognition (image processing). This system applies iris recognition method to isolate the iris area, normalization process and lastly determining the cholesterol presence using OTSU histogram method to determine the threshold value. The result showed that the incidence of cholesterol was high when eigen value exceeds a threshold value


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How to Cite

Ramlee, R., Aziz, K., Ranjit, S., & Esro, M. (2011). Automated Detecting Arcus Senilis, Symptom for Cholesterol Presence Using Iris Recognition Algorithm. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC), 3(2), 29–39. Retrieved from




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