Design of Extended Kalman Filter Speed Estimator and Single Neuron-Fuzzy Speed Controller for Sensorless Brushless DC Motor


  • Muhammad Rif’an Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Feri Yusivar Universitas Indonesia
  • Benyamin Kusumoputro Universitas Indonesia


BLDC, Extended Kalman Filter, Sensorless, Single Neuron-Fuzzy,


Methods of estimation and control of BLDC presented in this paper. Because BLDCM is a motor without a brush then BLDC requires the sensor position to rotate the rotor and this is a weakness of the BLDC. A sensorless algorithm of Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) was proposed to cover this weakness. Additionally, BLDC is also a non-linear system. Thus, it is difficult to obtain accurate and good value PID parameter controller with a conventional PID method. In this paper, a single neural network - Fuzzy PID for BLDC developed. The experimental results show that the EKF is able to estimate the speed of the BLDC and single neural networks - Fuzzy PID controller makes BLDC system faster.





How to Cite

Rif’an, M., Yusivar, F., & Kusumoputro, B. (2018). Design of Extended Kalman Filter Speed Estimator and Single Neuron-Fuzzy Speed Controller for Sensorless Brushless DC Motor. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC), 10(1-5), 157–161. Retrieved from