TR-IR-UWB Performance Improvement Using Modified Hadamard Matrix


  • Hamid M. Farhan Razak School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, University Technology Malaysia, 54100 Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • L.A. Latiff Razak School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, University Technology Malaysia, 54100 Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Mohammed H. Nassir School of Engineering, Taylor’s University, Lake-side Campus, Selangor, Malaysia


Generated Modified Hadamard Matrix, Inter Pulse Interference, Modified Traditional Transmitted Reference, Ultra-wideband


During the last three decades, ultra-wideband (UWB) has become one of the most prominent techniques encountered in the communication system. UWB brought advantages to the human community such as higher data rate, excellent time domain resolution, and immunity to both multipath and interference. The time domain resolution was earlier improved by rake receiver where a drawback was experienced due to complexity. Rake receiver was then replaced by the traditional transmitted reference (TTR)-UWB which simplifies the complexity but creates another set of drawback of inter-pulse interference (IPI) and significant reduction in data rate. To overcome these drawbacks, controlling time delay ( ) in conjunction with the maximum delay spread ( ) became the key element in ever-lasted improving UWB system. In this work, is chosen as much smaller than -the condition that was achieved by modifying Hadamard matrix which satisfies balance and orthogonality. The outcome of this setting, IPI was totally removed and data rate was improved. And in this work, we proposed modified TTR (MTTR) after adding a generated modified Hadamard matrix (GMHM) component to the structure of TTR transceiver. The simulation results show that the new modelling system which is based on Hadamard matrix has shown very good improvement compared to TTR. The results show that S/N of the modified TTR has shifted by about 3 dB compared to TTR. It is also observed that with a constant number of users detected by number of frames, S/N undergoes a shift of about 4 dB





How to Cite

M. Farhan, H., Latiff, L., & H. Nassir, M. (2016). TR-IR-UWB Performance Improvement Using Modified Hadamard Matrix. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC), 8(4), 17–20. Retrieved from