Semiconductor Optical Amplifier for Optical Channel Capacity Improvement Based on Cross-Phase Modulation


  • Mohammad Syuhaimi Ab-Rahman Department of Electrical, Electronic & System Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Uinversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
  • Abdul Hameed Almabrok Swedan Department of Electrical, Electronic & System Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Uinversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.


Cross-Phase Modulation, Multi-Wavelength Conversion, Optical Network Capacity, Semiconductor Optical Amplifier,


A tremendous increasing in telecommunication networks proportional to the variety and growth of data exchange services resulted in a diversity of configuration limitation in access networks. This paper presents one of nonlinearity behaviour of semiconductor optical amplifier identified as cross gain modulation that allows copying the same data from one wavelength to many wavelengths, which leads to increase the number of access points at same speed. 10 Gb/s One to two cross phase modulation wavelength conversion is discussed using semiconductor optical amplifier Mach–Zehnder interferometer at optical network unit with 64 splitting ratios. The configuration can convert a modulated signal of specific pump wavelength to continuous wavelength 1556 nm and 1558 nm (probes’ wavelength) with two nm spacing to reduce fourwave mixing effect. The influence of data format on the system performance verified that the system able to implement for different data format regarding power levels of pump and probes, interesting the return to zero formats give better performance than non-return to zero. Another important finding was that the possibility of up and down conversion. The outcomes of conversion efficiency are in agreement with the literature and obtained good values for up and down conversion.





How to Cite

Ab-Rahman, M. S., & Swedan, A. H. A. (2018). Semiconductor Optical Amplifier for Optical Channel Capacity Improvement Based on Cross-Phase Modulation. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC), 10(1-5), 89–95. Retrieved from

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