Determining Characteristics of the Software Components Reusability for Component Based Software Development
Component Based Software Development, Empirical Study, Reusable Component, Software Component,Abstract
Nowadays, due to the availability of many alternatives of common-off-the-shelf software components, Component-based Software Development (CBSD) is becoming a popular approach to software development. CBSD is the software development with the assembly of existing software components. There are many characteristics and sub characteristics for software component reusability available today. The challenge is how to determine the suitable characteristics and sub characteristics reusable component for CBSD. The aim of this study is to determine the suitability of characteristics and sub characteristics for software component reusability for CBSD. The survey is conducted among of software reuse practitioners at Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. The finding from the empirical study conducted that involves software developers and practitioners as the respondents will be used in development of metrics for reusable component. This metrics can be used to measure the reusable component for CBSD.Downloads
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