Design and Analysis of 15 nm MOSFETs


  • Yeap Kim Ho Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Jalan Bandar Barat, 31900 Kampar, Perak. Malaysia.
  • Mui Kai Meng Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Jalan Bandar Barat, 31900 Kampar, Perak. Malaysia.
  • Lai Koon Chun Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Jalan Bandar Barat, 31900 Kampar, Perak. Malaysia.
  • Teh Peh Chiong Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Jalan Bandar Barat, 31900 Kampar, Perak. Malaysia.
  • Humaira Nisar Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Jalan Bandar Barat, 31900 Kampar, Perak. Malaysia.
  • Zairi Ismael Rizman Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Terengganu Branch, Dungun Campus, 23000 Dungun, Terengganu, Malaysia.


Breakdown, MOSFET, nMOS, Saturation, Short Channel Effects.


We present the design and analysis of 15 nm NMOS transistors, fabricated on three different substrate materials -- namely silicon, indium nitride and indium arsenide. Close inspection on the I-V characteristic curves reveals that the saturation voltage and current of the indium arsenide transistors are significantly higher than the other two counterparts. We attribute this result to the high mobility of carriers in indium arsenide substrate. It is also observed that the breakdown voltages of the indium arsenide transistors are also one of the highest. The breakdown behaviour shows that transistors fabricated on indium arsenide substrate renders reasonably high robustness. Due to high channel length modulation effect, it could also be seen that current variation between saturation and breakdown currents is the highest in the conventional silicon transistors. Our analysis suggests that indium arsenide could be an alternative substrate material in the design and fabrication of nano-scale MOSFETs. For devices which may require high power consumption (and therefore high current and voltage), indium arsenide can also be considered as an appropriate substrate material.





How to Cite

Kim Ho, Y., Kai Meng, M., Koon Chun, L., Peh Chiong, T., Nisar, H., & Rizman, Z. I. (2016). Design and Analysis of 15 nm MOSFETs. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC), 8(12), 1–4. Retrieved from